From the midcentury inception of the subgenre by Robert A. One genre niche that spurs complaints of this sort is hard sf, which in addition to glorifying space adventure also constitutes the very antithesis of mainstream literary forays into the diverse fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. When eminent authors such as Margaret Atwood and Kazuo Ishiguru stoop to writing sf, it is sometimes claimed that they merely treat science as metaphor and write as if working unplowed literary pastures. Yet nostalgia for this technocultural fantasy of seeding the stars still looms large in popular culture and literature.

$85 hc $23 pbk.ĭespite the potentially lucrative designs for heavy-lift launch vehicles, sub- orbital tourism, and space elevators, it is impossible to deny that in the wake of seemingly permanent shrinkages in government spending, the lure of space exploration no longer retains the seductive cultural power it once had.

MODERN MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION series. Characters in New British Hard Science Fiction: With a Focus on Genetic Engineering in Paul McAuley, Alastair Reynolds, and Brian Stableford.

The Heritage of Heinlein: A Critical Reading of the Fiction. REVIEW-ESSAY Jerome Winter All Hail the Slide Rule?